Saturday, July 21, 2007

I wish ....

It happens once in a while, you look back and realize how things change and how much you wish at times they remain the same, but then change is the rule of the game.

Wish I can do more,

Wish I can dream,

Wish I can change things around,

Wish I can make a new world……..

Wish I can give all that I have

Wish I can make others happy..

Wish I can see her smile every moment..

Wish I weave a magic world…

Wish I can live in a peaceful anger free world.

Wish I can fight battles of our lives better…

Oh how I wish I can make things better.


Anonymous said...

A true reflection of ajit's Baffled, inquisitive yet striving soul...... Kudos... Will wait 4 more.. :)

Anonymous said...

hey cool post...
i feel like making a lot of wishes now..

Anonymous said...

Nice post. I think people should go through it. Thank you.

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